Monday, 12 March 2018

My Shrinking Lead Pile

I have probably waxed on about my philosophy of keeping my unpainted items to a minimum so I can shop for new lead guilt free (almost). I have had a pile of fantasy figures kept in a couple of cardboard boxes in various states of paint and disrepair for many years (I am thinking 12 years). I purchased the bulk of the figures from my friend Brian along with a copy of Warhammer Quest. I never played the game but have slowly been organizing the figures for use in fantasy skirmish games like Song of Blades and Heroes, fantasy battle games like Sword and Spear Fantasy, and now D&D. D&D is very much a skirmish game when it comes to combat.

I went through my card board boxes and inventoried my pile into smaller piles. I then put the piles into ziplock bags, sorted by type. I have found this to help me get motivated to paint them as I just need to grab a bag and plop it on my painting desk rather than look at the mess of figures in the boxes.

My big project this weekend has been painting my Orcs. I do not have enough for an proper army, but have enough for a proper swarm in D&D. What D&D game would be complete without a proper war with the orcs. They are ready to unleash on my players for Saturday's game.

Orc Archers - GW and Heroquest I think

Black Orcs - GW and a rebased Mageknight guy

Orc Warriors - I added the shields - GW
 Boar Riders - These guys are old 40k figs but convert over well enough
These are dark elf figures from the Legends of Drizzt board game. They are very slight in comparison to the orcs but this fits with the Elven ness

Harpies - no idea on the make - Reaper maybe

All in all a good weekends production. 25 orcs painted and based.


  1. Very modest Harpies but they should all serve well!

  2. A decent dent in the lead pile. Dividing into smaller lots is a good idea, I for one get over-whelmed when faced by too much lead!
