Baroque 3 games - Edgehill twice and a learning game. I also added 50 foot and 24 horse to my collection.
Dungeons and Dragons - 6 games - This was the big winner for the year. I have not played many games but have been fairly obsessed with making terrain in 3D to play on. I have also started collecting and painting fantasy figures. This was against my stated aim of painting more figures!
Sword and Spear - 2 Games - This is a good game but I have not been motivated to play it solo much except to try out the Sword and Spear Fantasy version.
Chain of Command - 4 games - 3 Solo games in 15mm and 28mm and finally a group game on Dec 26th. This is a great set and I have purchased a 4th army in 28mm for it.
Battle Cry - 2 games - I picked this game in part because it was quick and easy. I only managed two games but one was an epic version with 6 players at a local game convention. Still a great game.
Commit The Garde - 6 games - This is a popular game with a few players in my group and also fun to play solo. This allowed me to get my six games in, even though it is the longest game on my list.
This was an interesting experiment. I did gain some motivation to play my chosen games throughout the year after accepting the challenge. 23 out of 36 is only a C on my 6x6 report card. In my defense, the game room was shut down for 6 weeks due to renovations. Also, I am easily distracted over the course of a year.
Some of the distractions included:
Proxxon hot wire cutter
Wings of War
XWing - bought out another player and tripled my collection
Painting fantasy figs
bought 6 ships and built 1...
Attended Huzzah!
New army - Eastern Men
New Army - Undead
New Army - Dwarves
New Army - Greeks
These armies are not actually new but re-purposed and based. The Greeks are compliments of Ross of Battle Game of the Month blog fame. The Undead and Dwarfs are my old GW armies that have gathered dust since the 90s. The Eastern Men are Turks bought for cheap from a player getting out of the period.